  • 1700 Kaliste Saloom Road, Bldg 6, Suite 601, Lafayette, LA 70508
  • (877) 998-2002

Answers for Treatment Resistant Depression

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is a term most commonly used in clinical psychiatry to describe cases of depressive disorders, such as Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorders, that do not respond adequately to at least two antidepressants. In the last 20 years, research has consistently shown that low doses of ketamine, administered intravenously, can rapidly relieve depressive symptoms in patients whose depression has been otherwise untreatable.

Our staff at NeuroMend recognize that every patient is unique and that individual responses to ketamine infusions will vary.

nurse giving patient injection

Some patients may experience immense relief after one infusion, while others may notice their depressive symptoms subside days or weeks following treatment. Your individual symptoms, needs, and goals of care will determine your course of treatment.

Ketamine infusion treatment at NeuroMend will initially consist of six infusions over the course of twelve days. Within this time frame, our team will work with you to monitor the efficacy of the treatment, provide you with support, and collaborate with your primary mental health provider to assist you in meeting your goals.


Following your initial treatment, our mental health specialist will follow up with you and your primary mental health provider to monitor your depressive symptoms and determine your need for maintenance infusions.

Are you suffering from debilitating and chronic depression?