Our goal is to create a program based upon listening to the patient that will result in real help and real healing. Our program utilizes physician-directed pain management and rehabilitation. Our multi-disciplinary treatment program utilizes pain blocks, medication management, and the latest pain management procedures along with physical and behavioral therapy to allow the patient to regain an enjoyable life.
Pain Treatment Team:
Board Certified Anesthesiologists
Fellowship Trained Pain Physicians
Occupational Therapists
Pain Psychologists
Mon:7:30 am-7:00 pm
Tue: 7:30 am-7:00 pm
Wed: 7:30 am-Noon
Thu: 7:30 am-4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am-4:30 pm
We are located just off of Centre Avenue in Portage, MI.
Visits and most services provided at:
7920 Kirkland Court
Portage, MI 49024